Dr. Lyndsay P. Brown is Chief Strategy Officer for Opportunity Consulting, where she leverages her more than 20 years of leadership experience at the national, state, and local levels as a strategic partner to municipal, agency, education and nonprofit leaders to improve systems, policy, implementation, and impact.
Dr. Brown has deep matter expertise in education and workforce policy, research, politics, and system-level implementation, and has played catalytic and boundary-spanning roles. Dr. Brown led systems-level change at the state level as Chief of Staff to the Deputy Superintendent at the Hawaii Department of Education and at the district level as Chief Strategy Officer at Cambridge Public Schools (MA). Dr. Brown also spent more than a decade shaping national discourse and federal/state policy in research, policy, advocacy, and government relations roles at DC-based organizations including the Alliance for Excellent Education, Data Quality Campaign, Achieve, and Washington Partners, LLC. Dr. Brown has also provided strategic, leadership, and measurement support to districts, nonprofits, municipal collective impact efforts, and communities in consulting roles at Project Evident, the Education Redesign Lab, and Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Dr. Brown received her doctorate in Education Leadership from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and dual bachelor degrees in Political Science and Communications, Legal Systems, Economics, and Government (CLEG) from American University. She resides with her family in Massachusetts, where she serves as a Commissioner for the Massachusetts Metrowest Commission on the Status of Women and Children.